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Here's The Exact 12-Step Process Thousands Are Using To Get An Internet Business Up & Running In Less Than 24 Hours.... And Start Seeing Results Their FIRST WEEK!

Below You'll See Each Step... An Easy To Understand Explanation of The Step ... The Amount of Time It Will Take To Complete... & The Amount Of Money It Will Cost

  • No time for games, let's just get started...

  • Step 1: Choose the Money Making Method You're Going to Follow

  • Explanation:

    There are literally hundreds of ways to make money online. As opposed to listing each one, I'm just going to tell you the method that I think is the easiest. It's called AFFILIATE MARKETING. It's a way of making money where someone else creates the product, someone else creates the sales processes, and someone else handles all of the customer support. You just promote products that other people created, and then pocket your commissions (usually about 50%) when a sale is made.

  • Time To Complete: 10 seconds (you already did it)

    Cost to Complete: $0

  • Step 2: Get a A System To Help You Do The Selling, Follow-up, & All The "Techie Stuff"

  • Explanation:

    The biggest mistake most people make when trying to make money with affiliate marketing is sending traffic (website visitors) directly to a product they want to make money with. If you do it this way YOU'LL FAIL MISERABLY. Instead what you want to do is send website visitors to a system that captures the email address of the person visiting your page. Then, the system follows-up automatically and promotes multiple affiliate products while you sleep. Trying to set this up by yourself would be a HUGE pain in the butt. So, you'll want a shortcut. The easiest system to use for this is called 12 Minute Affiliate. I'll put a green button at the bottom of this page that will allow you to test drive the system for two weeks for just $9.95.

  • Time To Complete: About 5 minutes to sign up for the system

    Cost to Complete: $47/month (this comes out to about $1.56/day)

  • Click Here To See What People LIKE YOU Are Saying About The System
  • Step 3: Chose Your Niche

  • Explanation:

    The smartest way to make money selling affiliate products is to choose ONE niche (area of interest) to focus on. If you try to sell products in a bunch of niches at once, you'll end up making less money. You'll want to choose a niche that's got MASS APPEAL (this way it will be easy to find a bunch of affiliate products to sell, and it'll be easy to find traffic). My three favorite niches are the "Make Money Online" niche, the "Weight Loss" niche, and the "Personal Development" niche. These three niches are responsible for BILLIONS of dollars, and it's easy to find tons of affiliate products to sell. Choose whichever one of these three is your favorite. If you're still not sure which one to pick, choose the "Make Money Online" niche because it's the easiest one to find cheap traffic for, and it's really easy to find stuff to sell.

  • Time To Complete: About 10 seconds (you probably just did it)

    Cost to Complete: $0

  • Step 4: Get An Affiliate Account With Clickbank

  • Explanation:

    There are free websites you can join where you can find all the affiliate products you want to promote. These websites give you a special link to promote each product, tell you how much you'll make when you make a sale, and even make sure you get your commissions on time. The top three sites where you can create a free affiliate account are WarriorPlus, JVZoo, & Clickbank. You only need to start with ONE, so just start with Clickbank. It's been around the longest.

  • Time To Complete: About 7 minutes

    Cost to Complete: $0

  • Step 5: Get An Aweber Auto-Responder

  • Explanation:

    An auto-responder is a tool that captures people's email addresses, and allows you to communicate with them (and sell them stuff) on auto-pilot. Think of the 12 Minute Affiliate System (12MA) as the car, and your auto-responder as the engine that makes the car work. You need BOTH the engine and the car to get to where you're going. There are literally a dozen different auto-responders to choose from. But the one I'm going to tell you to get is called Aweber. It's been around for a long time and it's proven to work. So just go with Aweber, and get a PRO account.

  • Time To Complete: About 5 minutes to get an account

    Cost to Complete: Free Trial, then $19/month

  • Step 6: Set Everything Up

  • Explanation:

    OK, so you've decided to make money with affiliate marketing, you've chosen your niche, you've gotten your Clickbank account, your 12 Minute Affiliate (12MA) account, and your Aweber account. Now it's time to set everything up and personalize the system so that the commissions go to you. Once everything is up and running you'll be able to capture people's information (this is called building your list), and automatically promote Clickbank products while you sleep. And don't worry about how to find the right products to promote or write follow-up emails because the 12 Minute Affiliate system takes care of that for you.

  • Time To Complete: About 1.5 hours if you do it on your own (instructions provided) or about 5 minutes if you order a done-for-you setup.

    Cost to Complete: $0 (do-it-yourself) or $67 (done-for-you)

  • NOTE: Here's What It Kind Of Looks Like When It's All Complete

  • Step 7: Order Traffic (aka Website Visitors)

  • Explanation:

    Once your system is set up, you'll need to get traffic to it. In other words, you'll need to have people who are interested in your niche, come to your page. This way your system can capture their email and then try to sell them affiliate products. The EASIEST way to get traffic is to have someone else send it for you. This is called ordering a Solo Ad. You're basically saying to someone "I'll give you $X dollars for each person you send to my system for me. Learning how to drive traffic with places like Facebook & Google can be a huge pain in the butt. Free traffic takes a LONG time to learn how to do. So what you want to do is just ORDER TRAFFIC LIKE YOU'D ORDER A PIZZA. Getting traffic to your internet business is like putting gas in your car, it's something you'll ALWAYS have to do. If you don't like that, then you should stop trying to make money online.

  • Time To Complete: About 5 minutes

    Cost to Complete: Depends on your budget, and your niche. But let's say about $0.75 to $2.00 per visitor. And let's say you budget $150 for your first traffic order.

  • Step 8: Join An Exclusive Free Private Facebook Group.

  • Explanation:

    The truth is that no one succeeds alone. You need the support of like-minded people to help keep you on track. This way you're in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself. 12MA has a private Facebook group created specifically for people using the system. Inside the group you can share your wins, see how others are doing, get tips as to what's working, and even take part in free contests with awesome prizes.

  • Time To Complete: About 1 minute to join the free group

    Cost to Complete: $0

  • Step 9: Request Your Free Vacation

  • Explanation:

    Just for getting your 12MA system set up and ordering traffic, you'll get a free vacation to any of a number of exotic locations. All you have to do is post in the Facebook group that you're done setting everything up, and then let everyone know where you'd like to go. It sounds crazy, but it's real. The creators of the system do this as an incentive for you to give the system an HONEST try. And in case you're wondering... YES, this is a REAL vacation and not a sales presentation.

  • (see sample vacation locations below)

  • Time To Complete: 30 seconds

    Cost to Complete: $0

  • Step 10: Watch Some Free Training Videos (Valued At Over $3,000)

  • Explanation:

    Look. Rome wasn't built in a day. And while there are tons of people who see results (and even make their first sale) within a few days after ordering traffic, the truth of the matter is that if you really want to succeed, you're going to have to learn the stuff you don't know. So, inside your 12MA member's area, there's a TON of FREE TRAINING on how to do the simple things that will make you successful long term.

  • Time To Complete: About 1 hour per video

    Cost to Complete: $0

  • Step 11: Get 1-on-1 Training (Optional)

  • Explanation:

    Some people learn best by getting 1-on-1 attention and having someone hold their hand. If this describes you, then you can feel free to take advantage of some 1-on-1 training.

  • Time To Complete: Depends on how much training you want, but the minimum is three 1-hour sessions.

    Cost to Complete: Starting at $297 (for three sessions)

  • Step 12: Rinse & Repeat Simple Tasks Weekly

  • Explanation:

    The secret to success is CONSISTENCY. So, as your system is following up with people for you and promoting affiliate products for you, your "job" is to stay engaged and practice simple tasks that make your system work better. Here's a sampling of items you'll do weekly...

  • - Send emails to your list (takes about 1 hour a week - free to do)

    - Get traffic when you can (5 minutes to do - based on your budget)

    - Find new affiliate products to promote (30 minutes/week - free to do)

    - Attend/watch free trainings (1.5 hours /week - free to do)

    - Engage in our Facebook group (30 minutes/week - free to do)

  • Can you commit to not getting distracted, and to being CONSISTENT with simple tasks like these for about 3-4 hours a week? If so, you can have the life you truly want to live.

  • Time To Complete: About 3-4 hours per week

    Cost to Complete: Free (except for traffic, which you just take 5 minutes to order as often as you can - based on your budget)

  • Here Are Some Of My Personal Results From Having Used This Exact System For Years

  • Results Will Vary - Not A Guarantee Of Income

  • And here's one 5-day span where I pocketed over $1,800 in commissions from a product I found on Clickbank!

  • Results Will Vary - Not A Guarantee Of Income

  • Speaking of Clickbank, this is a weekly snapshot from my actual Clickbank account in 2019 (to prove I've been doing this for a while)!

  • Results Will Vary - Not A Guarantee Of Income

  • And here's a screenshot from 2020...

  • And just in case you’re wondering…

    YES! Those screenshots are REAL...

    YES! Those are real notifications from my personal email...


    YES! Those are all my REAL commissions!

    Did it take me while to figure this out and set it all up?


    Was it worth the time/effort?


    Because now, it's not uncommon for me to make $300… $500… or even $1K per day in affiliate commissions.

    So there you have it.

    As promised, I've shared with you the exact 12-step process that everyday people (just like you) are using to get their online business up, running, and getting results... FAST

    I hope you appreciate my 100% transparency and honesty.

    You really can have all of this up and running before you go to bed tonight.

    All you have to do is use The 12 Minute Affiliate System.

    It’ll walk you through the entire process outlined on this page.

  • I Loved The 12 Steps - I'm Ready To Get Started!
  • It took me about 7 years and $40,000 to figure out how to make money online...

    And another 3 years and $9,000 to build a system that could make me daily commissions.

    What took me YEARS to build, you can have up and running in HOURS.

    Just click the green button below.

    You can even test-drive 12 Minute Affiliate for 14 days for less than $10 bucks!

  • I Loved The 12 Steps - I'm Ready To Get Started!

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    Here at Dream Job Lander we make every effort possible to make sure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income & results.

    As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience.

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